Meet Emily
Emily VanVleck has been flying for 10 years. Her interest in union work started after she returned from furlough in 2020. She elected to take a EVLOA and return to school to finish her bachelors degree. While in school, she got involved in social justice work, joining the board of a women’s nonprofit where she still serves. When she returned to the line in 2021 she wanted to use the knowledge she gained to streghten flight attendant power and fight back against contractual violations. She became a Base Council Representative in 2022 and soon fyer volunteered to be a Contract Action Team Base Contact.
As a Contract Action Team Base Contact she built a team of Ambassadors to inform flight attendants about the status of negotiations. Between terminal walks, organizing pickets, and flying a full schedule, she was proud to be building trust with flight attendants that the union is stronger when we’re all involved. She is honored to be continuing her service to flight attendants by running for LGA Base President.